About Uganda

About Uganda

Location of Uganda

Uganda is located in the Eastern part of Africa, in the center of the Great Lakes region, providing easy access to markets in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Climate of Uganda

Uganda’s climate is mainly tropical with 2 seasons of both dry and wet weather.

Population of Uganda

Uganda has a population of about 45 million. It has an educated, adaptable and trainable labour force which has been growing at a rate of 2.9% per annum. The World Labour Flexibility index ranks Uganda at par with the USA – number 1, translated to mean that Uganda has the most flexible labour market in the world.

Uganda’s economy

Uganda’s economy is made up of the Agriculture 24.2%; Industry 25.5%; and Services 50.3% sectors. The Agricultural sector includes Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Dairy, and Crop sub-sectors. While the Industrial sector includes Manufacturing, Construction, and Electricity Supply sub-sectors; the Services sector is made up of wholesale and retail trade, Telecommunications, Hotels and Restaurants, Transport and Communications and Tourism sub sectors. Uganda has sustained economic growth at an average rate of 7% per annum.

Uganda’s Vision

Uganda’s vision is to have “A transformed Ugandan society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30 years”. Uganda Vision 2040 builds on the progress that has been made in addressing the strategic bottlenecks that have constrained Uganda’s socio-economic development since her independence, including; ideological disorientation, weak private sector, inadequate infrastructure, lack of industrialization, underdeveloped services sector, under-development of agriculture, among others.

It is conceptualized around strengthening the fundamentals of the economy to harness the abundant opportunities around the country. The opportunities include; oil and gas, tourism, minerals, ICT business, abundant labour force, geographical location and trade, water resources, industrialization, and agriculture. On the other hand, the fundamentals include: infrastructure for (energy, transport, water, oil and gas).

Uganda has a conducive investment environment with favorable regulatory policy frameworks, moreover, with a ready and steadily growing market. Investing in Uganda should be your next step, while investing in Apple Vision Limited should be the gap you need to close in order to bring about a sustainable positive change and legacy for everyone and generations to come.

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