Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy

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Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy

At Apple Vision limited, we care about our employees and those impacted by our actions through our projects. We offer a safe and healthy working environment for our employees while in offices, on site and on business travels. We uphold the significance of health, safety and wellbeing, both within the workplace and through our work.

Our Objectives

What we will do


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing policy at Apple Vision limited is developed by the board and implemented across all the operations of Apple Vision limited through rules, procedures and guidelines. This policy is reviewed and approved annually or more often as required. The Health, Safety, and Environment manager shall act for Apple Vision limited in ensuring that plans are developed and implemented to enable us to achieve the objectives set out in this policy while fulfilling applicable legal, regulatory and other requirements.

Benard Osiron
Founder & Managing Director
17th April 2021

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