Power Transmission & Distribution

Energy & Climate Protection

Power Transmission & Distribution

Energy is a valuable asset!

Sustainable utilization of this resource is based on two premises: efficient, environmentally friendly energy generation in modern power plants and safe, low-loss transmission of electricity and heat from power plants to consumers using highly efficient transport and distribution systems.

Apple Vision offers optimized, state-of-the-art solutions for a wide array of energy transmission services, from the transmission of electrical power via the energy suppliers’ overhead transmission lines to industrial supply systems that place great demands on the system layout and configuration because of special load characteristics.

Apple Vision is a pioneer in implementing innovative power transmission systems based on direct current transmission with HVDC cables or alternating current transmission with gas insulated transmission lines (GIL). These systems connect high-capacity energy generation facilities to the grid over long distances.

Areas of Expertise

  • Overhead transmission lines (OHL)
  • Gas insulated transmission lines (GIL)
  • Cable transmission lines
  • Distribution systems for industrial plants
  • High-voltage transmission systems
  • High- and medium-voltage substations (AIS, GIS, AC, HVDC)
  • Communications and network management systems (SCADA)
  • Power grid studies
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