Hope Maurishia
Finance Manager
Hope Maurishia has over 8 years of working experience in accounting and finance management. She is a holder of Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Makerere University, a bachelor’s degree in science in accounting and finance from Kyambogo University, and she is on level 2 ACCA.
She is well versed with management of donor funded projects including international cricket council. She has been engaged in drawing of funding master budgets and managing investments for various clients in the private and public sectors and a few NGOs. Her experience is a portfolio of various projects she has successfully managed for various institutions including the Parliament of Uganda, Presidents Office, BMZ/Giz/UNHCR, Summit trust company limited, Sprout Up Youth and Women Initiative (SUYAWI), among others. She is experienced and proficient in the use and applications of GAAPS, IFRSs, and data analytics as well as being well-versed with the regulatory framework of Uganda.
Besides, she is proponent to social entrepreneurship, passion driven sports lady committed to consulting not her fears but the unfulfilled potential among the disadvantaged youth ,women and Community initiatives, she seeks to create impact by improving their livelihood standards through equipping them with hands on skilling. She has participated in Global Goals, World Cup-East Africa – United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #1 -No Poverty on behalf of SUYAWI, and as a team, they got awarded the most creative champion in fronting for vivid global change. She is a certified trainer and life coach. Hope is a proud alumnus of Einsten Rising, Kyusa-Uganda.
Hope has a diversity of skills and experience tailored to fronting projects for financial change and sustainability across all industries and sectors.
Get in Touch
Tel +256 (0) 787126212