Energy Concepts

The increasing environmental awareness of society, industry and politics requires new avenues of energy production, transmission and distribution. Energy consultancy serves to analyze and structure infrastructure plans to develop them into profitable and energy-efficient investment projects. Taking an interdisciplinary approach contributes significantly to ensuring the success of an energy investment project.

Role of Apple Vision

Apple Vision not only provides “Engineering Excellence” in infrastructure engineering but also ensures an independent view of the respective project requirements.

Multi-sector competence allows Apple Vision to provide one-stop consultancy services to support clients with interdisciplinary and holistic in-house expertise. Apple Vision will tailor its energy consultancy services to the specific project requirements.

Benefits to Clients

Defining the project structure early on in the project is essential to facilitating efficient project implementation. Energy consultancy services help clients to understand the complexity of energy infrastructure projects. Apple Vision maintains excellent relationships with clients and stakeholders in the energy and infrastructure sector. Apple Vision’s combination of technical, legal, commercial and economic background knowledge allows Apple Vision’s clients to make informed decisions on promising investment opportunities.

Our Energy consultancy services typically include the following elements:

  • General analysis of the client’s business model
  • Basic data
  • Routing and site assessment
  • System design
  • Cost estimation
  • Financial modeling
  • Legal and regulatory screening
  • Social and environmental screening
  • Economic cost-benefit analysis
  • Commercial structuring
  • Risk assessment and de-risking
  • Project execution planning
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