Sustainable planning, strategies & assessments

In the short to medium term, all industry practices will have to become more sustainability. That is why it is necessary to develop green strategies and sustainability action plans for energy, water, waste, construction, as well as infrastructure and transport businesses.

Role of Apple Vision

In its fields of activity, Apple Vision helps clients businesses to grow sustainably in accordance with international guidelines and to develop sustainable projects. This will involve developing market strategies, assessing sustainable options over the whole project and product lifecycle, determining the carbon footprint, developing mitigations strategies as well as concepts for waste reduction and “cradle-to-cradle” approaches for material utilization, recycling and disposal.

Apple Vision will investigate the implementation of sustainable practices both in terms of social and environmental impact as well as lifecycle cost assessment recommending short-and long-term solutions based on state-of-the art and future industry development scenarios.

Benefits to Clients

Public corporations will benefit from the possibility to develop green strategies for their energy, transportation, water and waste management, while developers and contractors can benefit from performance optimizations that Apple Vision will identify based on future technology development, international policies and state-of-the-art industry practice. Apple Vision will tailor its sustainability advisory services to the specific project requirements.

Sustainability advisory services typically include the following elements:

  • Sustainability and green strategy and action plans
  • Analyses of energy, water and waste during operation
  • Plans for carbon management during operation
  • Performance improvement and smart design assistance
  • Waste management strategy plans
  • Sustainable procurement strategies
  • Sustainability roadmaps
  • Life cycle assessment and cost analyses
  • Product and corporate environmental footprint analyses
  • Product portfolio analysis and improvement
  • Integrated sustainability performance management
  • Sustainable urban planning and green building advisory services
  • Training on sustainable practices
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